USA Weapons to Ukraine help the fight, but explode in Ukraine

Most ordnance sent to Ukraine explodes in Ukraine wiping out houses, apartments, shelters, infrastructure and people. Ukrainians are in very big trouble.

That is why women and children are mostly under the care of NGOs. RINJ Women are such a provider.

Зв’яжіться з RINJ HelpLine за цим номером: +16477399279, доступним у WhatsApp, Signal і Telegram. Все, що ми можемо організувати для вас, ми зробимо. Якщо у вас є автомобільні місця до кордону, для інших, повідомте нам, ми організуємо анонімний контакт з тими, хто попросить.

RINJ Women in Ukraine since 2010
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Too often have the needs of women and girls in conflict settings been side-lined and treated as an afterthought. Yes men are doing the fighting but women are left at home to the invaders and occupiers and they must fight to keep the family alive.

RINJ Women Protecting the vulnerable across Ukraine.
* Safe Houses
* Rape Clinics
* Birthing Clinics
* Health Care Clinics

Emergency Statement

This article discusses services provided to Ukraine sexual violence survivors and their families:

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