Women’s Peace Plan for USA-DPRK Prevent Nuclear War

Is there a way to prevent nuclear war.

The RINJ Foundation Women  working with sisters in the DPRK and in Seoul, South Korea have published their own “11-steps to survival” in case nuclear bombs are detonated in East and South East Asia between USA-DPRK. (See “Mothers, Prepare for Nuclear War“).

The foundation’s women have talked to persons in several nuclear nations about the possibility of putting together a UN-hosted inclusive “NPA Action-Committee” on non-proliferation that includes the North Koreans at the table as a full member of the global nuclear club of nations possessing nuclear weapons.

The first goal will be to end sanctions against NK. They didn’t work. NK is a nuclear nation now and it’s 25 million people are being tortured with starvation and other forms of  deprivation by the international community which should be building good will for human development, NOT WAR. War talk must stop, now.

The next step is to arrive at multinational agreements for non proliferation and nuclear arms reduction. We have learned through channels that the DPRK will agree. ARE YOU IN?

We don't think you want to harm a hair on her head. Take up the Women's Plan.
We don’t think you want to harm a hair on her head. Take up the Women’s Plan

Toronto, Canada – A Canadian-based global Women’s Humanitarian Group has ‘floated’ the notion of a peace plan around the world. Their aim is to help nation states achieve their goals of:
1. Soothing current nuclear war tensions.
2. Easing out of the starvation and isolation of innocent civilians in North Korea.
3. Inclusively welcoming ‘nuclear states’ including NK to achieve valid non-proliferation accords.
4. Eagerly launch into a new global nuclear arms reduction regime.

Is there a way to stop the brewing Nuclear War?

USA-NK Crisis heading for nuclear war.


The solution is simple. This is what America, France, Britain, China, Russia, Pakistan, India and the United Nations must do to prevent a nuclear war in 2017 and stop proliferation while starting new arms reduction cooperation. This is what everyone wants. Invite yourself into the plan.

North Korea now has a Hydrogen Bomb

Welcome the DPRK to the nuclear club. Immediately lift sanctions against North Korea, and sit down for talks on a new non-Proliferation Agreement and further arms reduction agreements. Plan to disarm multilaterally and start caring and sharing for human development instead of blustering like children about destruction.

To do this America might want to engage a statesman and play a lead role to represent its new position and pull everyone to the table. Not Barrack Obama. Perhaps someone like Canada’s Justin Trudeau or France’s Emmanuel Macron would be willing to make the rounds to each nation and get this moving forward. There are no winners and losers. There are only heroes and winners at the table. Be a hero.

You must know we prefer Sophie Grégoire Trudeau as the go-between emissary of peace. That scenario would work best if the nuclear-armed group is willing to accept that a woman mediator/messenger/meeting planner is needed to bring about a peace the men could not find with ease. Women are better communicators. Try it. You might like it. In any case, do whatever it takes to get this done. Agreed? In the meantime stop yelling at each other. You are frightening the children. Contact Us

Join us in the fight for the safety of women and children around the world.

Recent articles on this horrid topic of nuclear war:

  1. Mothers, prepare for Nuclear War.
  2. The RINJ Women explained their concerns about Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in late 2016.
  3. Women’s Scolding Rebuke of Dotard and Rocketman.
  4. Thank You China &Russia for Fighting for the safety of Women &Children
  5. Trump “Total Destruction” of 17M North Korean Women & Kids
  6. Global Tolerance of State Sponsored Civilian Death has been enhanced by Mosul –
  7. Red Lines on #GlobalValues
  8. “There are many paths to a nuclear-weapons-free world. I appeal to all states to intensify their efforts to contribute to the shared vision in their own ways.”

Mothers, prepare for Nuclear War.

Nuclear war imminent. Trump administration’s failed USA-NK policy had war as its only fallback. Women, step in now or prepare families for nuclear war. Shot “Baker” of Operation Crossroads in the Marshal Islands in 1946 — one of the more … Continue reading 


The RINJ Foundation is a Canada-based women’s group that fights for the safety of women and children around the world.

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